Dark mode
Recommended settings
How to switch
Keep Consistency with System Theme
Block Dark/Light Mode
Start · Dark Mode
Dark Mode
Dark mode
🤩 Semi's default theme or custom themes configured through Semi DSM come with both light and dark modes, which can be easily switched.
🌒 Semi also supports the use of dark mode in a partial area of the page.
🌒 Semi also supports the use of dark mode in a partial area of the page.

Recommended settings
Semi will automatically mount the global color palette on the body element. We have built in some commonly used CSS Tokens. For detailed Token details, please refer to Design Variables
We recommend that you configure
and background-color
on the body, your business components can automatically inherit the default background color and text color from the body, and adaptive light/dark color switching// css body { color: var(--semi-color-text-0); background-color: var( --semi-color-bg-0); }
How to switch
To use Dark Mode, you could simply add
to body
in any way you prefer. Here is a quick idea:const body = document.body; if (body.hasAttribute('theme-mode')) { body.removeAttribute('theme-mode'); } else { body.setAttribute('theme-mode', 'dark'); }
For instance:
import React from 'react';
import { Button } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui';
function Demo() {
const switchMode = () => {
const body = document.body;
if (body.hasAttribute('theme-mode')) {
// Notify our site to update current mode
} else {
body.setAttribute('theme-mode', 'dark');
// Notify our site to update current mode
return (
Switch Mode
Keep Consistency with System Theme
If you want the mode of the site to change with the system setting, you may find this property Prefers-color-scheme
helpful. Please pay attention that this property is experimental. It asks for browser compatibility (Chrome >= 76, Safari >= 12.1) and you may expect behavior to change in the future.
To change system setting in macOS, go to System Preferences -> General -> Appearance
Since we do not recommend modifying the content of the npm theme package directly, you could add a listener for this property using js. Here is another example:
const mql = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'); function matchMode(e) { const body = document.body; if (e.matches) { if (!body.hasAttribute('theme-mode')) { body.setAttribute('theme-mode', 'dark'); } } else { if (body.hasAttribute('theme-mode')) { body.removeAttribute('theme-mode'); } } } mql.addListener(matchMode);
Block Dark/Light Mode
Semi 2.0 natively supports block dark/bright color mode, and you can add
or .semi-always-light
to areas that require block dark or bright colors as needed.Note: this is not work for pop-up layers or components
import React from 'react';
import { Layout, Nav, Button, Breadcrumb, Avatar, Steps, Pagination, Row, Badge, Tag, Rating, Tooltip, Timeline, Popover } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui';
import { IconSemiLogo, IconCamera, IconBell, IconHelpCircle, IconBytedanceLogo, IconHome, IconHistogram, IconLive, IconSetting, IconEdit, IconList } from '@douyinfe/semi-icons';
() => {
const { Header, Footer, Sider, Content } = Layout;
const [mode, setMode] = useState('semi-always-dark');
const switchMode = () => {
const newMode = mode === 'semi-always-dark' ? 'semi-always-light' : 'semi-always-dark';
const rowStyle = { margin: '16px 10px' };
const badgeStyle = {
width: '42px',
height: '42px',
borderRadius: '4px',
display: 'inline-block',
const tagStyle = { marginRight: 8, marginBottom: 8 };
return (
style={{ marginBottom: 4 }}
Switch Content Mode
<Layout style={{ border: '1px solid var(--semi-color-border)' }}>
<Header style={{ backgroundColor: 'var(--semi-color-bg-1)' }}>
<div >
<Nav mode='horizontal' defaultSelectedKeys={['Home']}>
<IconSemiLogo style={{ fontSize: 36 }} />
color: 'var(--semi-color-text-2)'
marginRight: '24px',
color: 'var(--semi-color-text-0)',
fontWeight: '600',
}}>Semi Design</span>
<span style={{ marginRight: '24px' }}>Semi Theme</span>
<span>Semi Blocks</span>
icon={<IconBell size="large" />}
color: 'var(--semi-color-text-2)',
marginRight: '12px',
icon={<IconHelpCircle size="large" />}
color: 'var(--semi-color-text-2)',
marginRight: '12px',
<Avatar color='orange' size='small'>YJ</Avatar>
<Layout >
<Sider style={{ backgroundColor: 'var(--semi-color-bg-1)' }}>
style={{ maxWidth: 220, height: '100%' }}
{ itemKey: 'Home', text: 'Home', icon: <IconHome size="large" /> },
{ itemKey: 'Histogram', text: 'Histogram', icon: <IconHistogram size="large" /> },
{ itemKey: 'Live', text: 'Live', icon: <IconLive size="large" /> },
{ itemKey: 'Setting', text: 'Setting', icon: <IconSetting size="large" /> },
collapseButton: true,
padding: '24px',
backgroundColor: 'var(--semi-color-bg-1)'
marginBottom: '24px'
routes={['Home', 'Page Section', 'Detail']}
borderRadius: '10px',
border: '1px solid var(--semi-color-border)',
height: '700px',
padding: '32px'
<Row style={rowStyle}>
<div id='popup-layer'></div>
getPopupContainer={() => document.querySelector('#popup-layer')}
{ itemKey: 'user', text: 'Option1', icon: <IconEdit /> },
{ itemKey: 'union', text: 'Option2', icon: <IconCamera /> },
itemKey: 'approve-management',
text: 'Group3',
icon: <IconList />,
items: [
<br /><br />
<Pagination total={80} showSizeChanger></Pagination>
<br />
<Steps current={1}>
<Steps.Step title="Finished" description="This is a description." />
<Steps.Step title="In Progress" description="This is a description." />
<Steps.Step title="Waiting" description="This is a description." />
<br />
<Steps current={1} status="error">
<Steps.Step title="Finished" description="This is a description" />
<Steps.Step title="In Process" description="This is a description" />
<Steps.Step title="Waiting" description="This is a description" />
<Row style={rowStyle}>
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
<div style={{ padding: 8 }}>
<Badge count={5} theme='solid' >
<Avatar color='blue' shape='square' style={badgeStyle}>XZ</Avatar>
<div style={{ padding: 8 }}>
<Badge count={5} theme='light' >
<Avatar color='cyan' shape='square' style={badgeStyle}>YB</Avatar>
<div style={{ padding: 8 }}>
<Badge count={5} theme='inverted'>
<Avatar color='indigo' shape='square' style={badgeStyle}>LX</Avatar>
<div style={{ padding: 8 }}>
<Badge dot theme='solid' >
<Avatar color='light-blue' shape='square' style={badgeStyle}>YZ</Avatar>
<div style={{ padding: 8 }}>
<Badge dot theme='light' >
<Avatar color='teal' shape='square' style={badgeStyle}>HW</Avatar>
<div style={{ padding: '8px', borderRadius: '4px', backgroundColor: 'var(--semi-color-fill-0)' }}>
<Badge dot theme='inverted'>
<Avatar color='green' shape='square' style={badgeStyle}>XM</Avatar>
<br />
<Tag color='grey' style={tagStyle}> grey tag </Tag>
<Tag color='blue' style={tagStyle}> blue tag </Tag>
<Tag color='blue' type='ghost' style={tagStyle}> ghost tag </Tag>
<Tag color='blue' type='solid' style={tagStyle}> solid tag </Tag>
<Tag color='red' style={tagStyle}> red tag </Tag>
<Tag color='green' style={tagStyle}> green tag </Tag>
<Tag color='orange' style={tagStyle}> orange tag </Tag>
<Tag color='teal' style={tagStyle}> teal tag </Tag>
<Tag color='violet' style={tagStyle}> violet tag </Tag>
<Tag color='white' style={tagStyle}> white tag </Tag>
<br />
<div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<Popover content={'hi semi-design'} style={{ padding: 8 }}><Tag style={{ marginRight: 8 }}>I am Popover</Tag></Popover>
<Tooltip content={'hi semi-design'}>
<Tag style={{ marginRight: 8 }}>I am Tooltip</Tag>
<Rating defaultValue={3} size='small' style={{ marginRight: 8 }} />
<br />
<Timeline.Item time='2019-07-14 10:35' type='ongoing'>审核中</Timeline.Item>
<Timeline.Item time='2019-06-13 16:17' type='success'>发布成功</Timeline.Item>
<Timeline.Item time='2019-05-14 18:34' type='error'>审核失败</Timeline.Item>
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
padding: '20px',
color: 'var(--semi-color-text-2)',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(var(--semi-grey-0), 1)',
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
<IconBytedanceLogo size="large" style={{ marginRight: '8px' }} />
<span>Copyright © 2019 ByteDance. All Rights Reserved. </span>
<span style={{ marginRight: '24px' }}>Customer Service</span>