Other · ConfigProvider
Provide a unified global configuration for components.

Scenes to be used

Coverage configuration is divided into two scenarios
  • When you need to override the public Props configuration of multiple components (such as timezone, rtl), use ConfigProvider
  • When the ConfigProvirder props are not met and you want to modify a certain type of Props of a certain component globally (for example, if you want to configure the theme of all Buttons to Solidor thezIndexof allPopover`), use semiGlobal



How to import

Basic Usage

By passing in the timeZone parameter, users can configure the time zone for the time components:

Manually obtain values

Usually, the value of ConfigProvider is automatically obtained and consumed within the component, so you don't need to worry about it. However, in some special scenarios, you may need to manually obtain the value to perform other operations.
Use ConfigConsumer to obtain the value of ConfigProvider


Global configuration direction can change the text direction of components。rtl means right to left (similar to Hebrew or Arabic), ltr means left to right (similar to most languages such as English)
Special components:
  • Command call of Modal, Notification and Toast needs to be passed to 'direction' through prop.
  • If you want to internationalize the directional icon, you need to handle it on your own. We think RTL for icon will make it difficult to understand and maintain. Semi has adapted the icons in other components.
  • The tree data of Table does not support RTL (Chrome, Safari have different behave with Firefox), and fixed column supports RTL in v2.32 version, Slider does not support RTL yet.

API Reference

directionSets the direction of the textltr| rtlltr
getPopupContainerSpecifies the parent DOM, and the bullet layer will be rendered to the DOM, you need to set 'position: relative` This will change the DOM tree position, but not the view's rendering position.function():HTMLElement() => document.body
localeMulti-language configuration, same as the usage of locale parameter in LocaleProvider(If locale is configured in ConfigProvider and LocaleProvider at the same time, the former has higher priority than the latter)object
timeZoneTime zone identifierstring|number

Time Zone Identifier

  • Numbers, such as 1,-9.5, represent the time offset from UTC, the unit is hour, and it can be negative or decimal;
  • A string, such as "GMT-09: 30","GMT+08: 00", which is a characterization offset string starting with "GMT", or IANA, such as "Asia/Shanghai","America/Los_Angeles", etc.
When you use numbers or similar writing of GMT-09:00, Semi will internally convert these time zone identifiers to the IANA.
  • If you set -9 or GMT-09:00, it will be converted to Pacific/Gambier. There may be multiple IANA identifiers corresponding to certain numbers. Semi prefers IANA identifiers without daylight saving time;
  • If the number does not have a corresponding IANA identifier without daylight saving time, such as -3.5, 3.5, 10.5, 13.75, then we are mapping an IANA identifier with daylight saving time, and the time zone with daylight saving time will be adjust the offset. For example, -3.5 will add 1h to the standard time after entering daylight saving time.
If you want to accurately set the time zone of a region, it is recommended to use the IANA identifiers instead of the previous usage. Here you can check the IANA list, and whether the time zone has daylight saving time.


  • The ConfigProvider does not provide the function of global custom prefix classname. How to achieve similar requirements (for example, Semi is used in the SDK, and it is expected that the packaged dom style does not have the .semi-xx prefix, so as not to be affected by the host's global CSS)?
    • Since prefixCls needs to be consumed by the js/css of the component layer at the same time, Semi put this switch in the configuration item of webpack plugin, rather than as a configuration item of ConfigProvider.
    • If you use webpack, please configure it in the parameters of SemiWebpackPlugin


You can override the default Props of global components
In semiGlobal.config.overrideDefaultProps you can configure the component default Props. You need to put your configuration at the entrance of the entire site, that is, it will be executed before all semi components.
semiGlobal is a singleton mode that affects the entire site. If you only want to cover certain components in certain places, it is recommended not to use semiGlobal. Instead, encapsulate the corresponding components that need to be covered and pass in the modified default props.
For example, the configuration below sets all Buttons to warning by default, and the zIndex of Select to 2000 by default, etc.