Navigation · Navigation
A menu list that provides navigation for pages and features.


How to import

Basic Usage

By passing items Parameters, you can quickly get a navigation bar.
Each navigation item includes:
  • itemKey: The unique identity of the navigation project (must)
  • text: Navigation copywriting
  • icon: Navigation icon
For the meaning of the parameters, see Nav.Item Or Nav.Sub
Version: >= 0.16.0
Navigation indentation is currently effective only for first-level navigation.

Pure Copywriting Navigation

If the navigation project doesn't come in, icon field, then the copy will be automatically filled to the left.

Define The Head And Bottom

Developers may often define the Logo area and the put away button area, while Navigation provides such a container for developers to quickly define the navigation head and bottom, and you only need to pass in the header or Footer as required.
For footer, semi-ui extra encapsulates a pull-up feature button that developers can pass through collapseButton = true to turn on the function, but the parameter takes effect only with mode = "vertical" (Vertical navigation).
For the parameters, see Nav.Header and Nav.Footer.
Navigation currently provides two parameters to define navigation styles:style and bodyStyle, in which style The style used to define the outermost layer of the navigation component, while bodyStyle The style used to define the navigation list. (Both the navigation head and the bottom of the navigation accept their respective style Parameters).
For example, you need a navigation list to scroll, navigate the head and bottom fixed navigation components, which can be used this way:

JSX Writing

Users can use JSX to define navigation headers, navigation items, and navigation bottoms.

Use react-router like router lib

In order to use routing components such as react-router, NavItem can be wrapped in the Link or NavLink provided by the routing component to let users click NavItem to trigger the routing component. We need to customize rendering.
Use renderWrapper to customize navigation components in each navigation item. See CodeSandBox demo
Navigation currently offers navigation in two directions:
  • Vertical (default)
  • Horizontal
You can pass mode = "vertical" (default) or mode = "horizontal" to control.
In particular, there are some functions (parameters) only in mode = "vertical" effective:
  • isCollapsed (Navigation put away to the side)
  • defaultOpenKeys | openKeys (Specifies the default and controlled array of expanded subnavigation items key, which is valid only in mode = "vertical"and isCollapsed = false)
  • collapseButton of Footer

Vertical Direction

Horizontal Direction

Horizontal Plus Vertical

The general platform design will adopt the mode of horizontal and vertical navigation. Here is a common example.

Expand and collapse arrow position

toggleIconPosition set 'left' or 'right', default right

Indentation limit

No indentation by default. If you need to indent the navigation items according to the level, please set limitIndent to false
When using Nav.Item to pass navigation items in React Jsx mode, please pass level props to Nav.Item manually.
Object method No need to care about level when passing in navigation items.
limitIndent only takes effect in the vertical direction.

Uncontrolled Properties

  • defaultSelectedKeys (default selected navigation item key array)
  • defaultOpenKeys (default expanded navigation item key array, valid only with mode = "vertical" and isCollapsed = false | defaultIsCollapsed = false)
  • defaultIsCollapsed (whether the sidebar is closed by default, valid only when mode = "vertical")

Controlled Properties

The Navigation component provides several controlled properties that, combined with a variety of callbacks, can easily control navigation.
The properties currently controlled are:
  • isCollapsed(whether the sidebar is closed, effective only when mode="vertical")
  • selectedKeys (currently selected navigation item key array)
  • openKeys (currently expanded array of navigation items, only mode="vertical" and isCollapsed=false valid)
The corresponding callback is:
  • onCollapseChange(isCollapsed: boolean) => void
  • onSelect ({ itemKey: string, selectedKeys: string[], domEvent: MouseEvent, isOpen: boolean }) => void
  • onOpenChange ({ itemKey: string, openKeys: string[], domEvent: MouseEvent, isOpen: boolean }) => void

API Reference

bodyStyleCustom style for navigation item listobject
classNameStyle name of outermost elementboolean
defaultIsCollapsedWhether the default is put away, valid only when mode = "vertical"booleanfalse
defaultOpenKeysInitially open sub navigation itemKey array, valid only mode = "vertical"and the sidebar is in an expanded statestring[][]
defaultSelectedKeysOriginally selected navigation item itemKey arraystring[][]
subDropdownPropsControl the dropdown parameters in nav.sub under horizontal or vertical && isCollapsed (v >= 2.69)DropdownProps
expandIconDefault Arrow IconReactNode
footerThe bottom area configure objects or elements, see Nav.Footerobject|ReactNode
getPopupContainerDropdown's getPopupContainer config of vertical collapsed Nav or horizontal Nav. >= v2.24Function
headerHead area configuration objects or elements, see Nav.Headerobject|ReactNode
isCollapsedA controlled attribute of whether it is in a put-away state, valid only when mode = "vertical"boolean
itemsNavigate the list of items, each item can continue with the items property. If it is a string array, each item is taken as text and itemKeyobject|string[]|Item[]|Sub[]
modeNavigation type, currently supports horizontal and vertical, optional value: vertical\ horizontalstring
onClickTrigger when clicking on any navigation item
(itemKey, event, isOpen) => void
() = > {}
onCollapseChangeThe callback when the state changes.
(isCollapsed) => void
() = > {}
onOpenChangeTriggers when switching the hidden state of a sub navigation project
({itemKey, openKeys, event, isOpen}) => void
() = > {}
onSelectTriggers the first time you select an optional navigation project, where the selected Items field version > = 0.17.0 is supported
(onSelectProps) => void
() = > {}
openKeysControlled open sub navigation itemKey array, expanded with onOpenChange callback control sub navigation items, valid only mode = "vertical"and the sidebar is in an unfolding statestring[]
renderWrapperCustom navigation item outer component >=2.24.0
(data) => ReactNode
prefixClsclasssname prefixstringsemi
selectedKeysControlled navigation item itemKey array, with onSelect callback control navigation item selectionstring[]
styleCustom styles for outermost elementsobject
subNavCloseDelayDelay of sub navigation floating layer closure. Effective when the limit is true or mode is "limit" in MSnumber100
subNavOpenDelayThe delay displayed by the sub navigation floating layer. Effective when the input is true or mode is "selected" in MSnumber0
tooltipHideDelayThe latency hidden by tooltip is valid when it is true in MSnumber100
tooltipShowDelayThe delay displayed by tooltip is valid when it is true in MSnumber0
limitIndentTo lift the indentation limit, you can use level to customize the indentation of navigation items. The horizontal mode can only be true >=1.27.0booleantrue
toggleIconPositionParent navigation item arrow position with child navigation items >=1.27.0'left' | 'right''right'
disabledDisabled statebooleanfalse
iconNavigation project icon name or componentReactNode
indentIf the icon is empty, keep its space or not. Only effective for first level navigationbooleanfalse
itemKeyUnique item identifier, no duplication allowedstring""
levelThe nesting level of the current item. When limitIndent is true, it is used to customize the indentation positionnumber
linkNavigation item href link, when imported, the navigation item will be wrapped with an a tagstring-
linkOptionsParameters transparently passed to the a tagobject-
textNavigation project copy or elementstring | ReactNode""
onClickCallback of clickfunction({ itemKey: string, domEvent: MouseEvent, isOpen: boolean })() => {}
onMouseEnterCallback of mouse enter eventfunction(e) => {}() => {}
onMouseLeaveCallback of mouse leave eventfunction(e) => {}() => {}
disabledDisabled statebooleanfalse
dropdownPropsPopup layer dropdown parameter configuration (v >= 2.69)DropdownProps
dropdownStyleStyle of dropdown layerCSSProperties
iconNavigation project icon name or componentReactNode
indentIf the icon is empty, keep its space or not. Only effective for first level navigationbooleanfalse
isCollapsedWhether it is a controlled attribute in the collapsed state, only mode = "vertical"booleanfalse
isOpenControl open statebooleanfalse
itemKeyNavigation project only keystring""
levelThe nesting level of the current item. When limitIndent is true, it is used to customize the indentation positionnumber
maxHeightmax heightnumber999
textNavigation project copy or componentstring | ReactNode""
onMouseEnterCallback of mouse enter eventfunction(e) => {}() => {}
onMouseLeaveCallback of mouse leave eventfunction(e) => {}() => {}
childrenSub elementReactNode
classNameOutermost style namestring
linkNavigation item href link, when imported, the navigation item will be wrapped with an a tagstring-
linkOptionsParameters transparently passed to the a tagobject-
logoLogo, can be a string or componentstring | ReactNode
styleOutermost styleobject
textLogo copy, which can be a string or componentstring | ReactNode
childrenSub elementReactNode
classNameOutermost style namestring
collapseButtonWhether to display the bottom "collapse sidebar" button, only work when mode="vertical" and the children parameter of the Footer component is emptyboolean|ReactNodefalse
collapseTextTitle of the collapse button(collapsed:boolean) => string|ReactNode0.35.0
styleOutermost styleobject
onClickClick callback(event) => void


  • Keyboard and Focus

  • Each clickable item in the Navigation can be focused, use Tab and Shift + Tab to switch focus between each other, and each link can be activated by the Enter key
  • When an item can be opened popup
    • The way to open the popup layer is hover : when the item is focused, the popup layer opens. Keyboard users can use the down arrow to move the focus to the bullet layer, and the Esc key can return the focus to the item
    • The way to open the popup layer is click : when the item is focused, click the Enter key to open the popup layer. Keyboard users can use the down arrow to move the focus to the bullet layer, and the Esc key can return the focus to the item -Keyboard interaction does not fully support nested scenes

Content Guidelines

  • Navigation bar menu uses sentence case format
  • Keep it as simple as possible

Design Tokens


  • Lost animation in navigation bar?
    When using functional components, you should give items with useState or useMemo, because passing an array directly to items will trigger component rerendering.
  • Lost item when subNav is too height >=999px ? Please refer to this issue