导航类 · Tree
A tree view component presents a hierarchical list.
How to import
Basic Usage
By default, tree is in single select mode and each item is selectable.
You could use
to set mode to multi-choice. When all child items are selected, the parent item will be selected.Searchable
to support search input. By default it searches the label
property of the data. You can use treeNodeFilterProp
to set another property to search or pass in a function to filterTreeNode
to customize search behavior.You could also use
if you prefer to display filtered results only.After setting the
property to enable search, you can customize the rendering method of the search box by setting searchRender
. When set to false
, the search box can be hidden.Trigger search manually
Use ref to get tree instance,you can call
method of tree to trigger search manually. Note that you need to set filterTreeNode
to enable search at the same time.If the search box is outside the tree, you can hide the search box inside the tree by setting searchRender=false
.JSON TreeData
You could use
to pass in treeNodes
data in JSON format. In this case, key will be used as key
and label
, and value will be used as value
correspondingly. Return value includes JSON data in selected nodes.BlockNode
You could use
to set node to display as a row. In this case, styles for hovering and selected state take effects on the entire row. By default, it is set to true
. When it is set to false
, only label will be highlighted.Custom TreeNode Label
You could pass in ReactNode for
in TreeNodeData
to customize label. Pay attention that by default filterTreeNode
searches data by label. When label is a ReactNode, it is advised to pass in customized search function for a searchable tree.Custom Icon
You could use
to add customized icon.Directory
You could use
to display tree as a directory with default icons. Also, the icon could be overwritten by custom Icon.Disabled
You can use
to set whether to enable strict disabling. After enabling strict disabling, when the node is disabled, the selected state cannot be changed through the relationship between the child or the parent.Checked RelationShip
Version: >= 2.5.0
When multiple selections are made,
can be used to set the type of node selection relationship, optional: 'related' (default), 'unRelated'. When the selection relationship is 'unRelated', it means that selections between nodes do not affect each other.Default Expand All
and expandAll
can set the default expanded/collapsed state of Tree
. The difference between the two is that defaultExpandAll
only takes effect at initialization, while expandAll
will not only take effect at initialization, but also when the data (treeData
) is dynamically updated, expandAll
will still take effect.Among them,
is supported starting from 1.30.0.In the demo below, after clicking the button to update
, defaultExpandAll
becomes invalid, and expandAll
still takes effect.Controlled Expansion with Search
is passed in, it is the expanded controlled component, which can be used with onExpand
. When the expansion is controlled, if you enable filterTreeNode
and search, the node will not be automatically expanded. At this time, the expansion of the node is completely controlled by expandedKeys
. You can use the input parameter filteredExpandedKeys
(version: >= 2.38.0) of onSearch
to realize the search expansion effect when the expansion is controlled.Controlled Component
You can use
along with onChange
property if you want to use Tree as a controlled component.Auto Expand Parent
In the case of controlled expansion, when
is turned on, if you want to collapse the parent element, you need to collapse all its child elements. By default, autoExpandParent
is false, that is, the collapse of the parent element is not affected by the child element.Custom expansion icon
The expansion Icon can be customized through
. Supports passing in ReactNode or functions. expandIcon
is supported since 2.75.0.Examples are as follows:
Tree with line
Set the line between nodes through
, the default is false, supported starting from 2.50.0Virtualized Tree
If you need to render large sets of tree structured data, you could use virtualized tree. In virtualized mode, animation / motion is disabled for better performance.
The property
is an object consisting of the following values: - height: Height of the tree, If passed in as a string, computed height should not be zero for render purpose, in other words, parent node should have offsetHeight
- width: Width of the tree.
- itemSize: Height for each line of treeNode, required
If tree is searchable, you could also set
to reduce time of rendering for results.Dynamic Update of Data
Load Data Asynchronously
You could use
to load treeData asynchronously on node expansion. Notice isLeaf
is required to mark node as leaf in treeData.Draggable Tree
You could use
along with onDrop
to achieve a draggable Tree.Notice
Drag and drop is available since v 1.8.0. Simultaneous use with virtualization is currently not supported
The callback input parameters of the drag event are as follows:
The data type DragTreeNode, in addition to all the attributes of TreeNodeData, also includes expanded and pos attributes,
refers to the positional relationship of the current node in the entire treeData, such as the 0th node of the 2nd node of the 1st node of the 0th layer: '0-1-2-0'dropPosition
refers to the position where the dragged node is dropped in the current hierarchy. If it is inserted before the 0th node of the same level, it will be -1, and after the 0th node, it will be 1, and it will fall on it. is 0, and so on. With dropToGap, a more complete judgment can be obtained.dropToGap
refers to whether the dragged node is dropped between nodes, if false, it is dropped above a node
Advanced FullRender
You could use
for advanced rendering to render the entire option on you own.The parameter types of renderFullLabel are as follows:
If virtualized is set to true, be sure to apply `style` to targeted ReactNode to correctly render virtualized list.
Here are some demos.
First is to render Parent node as separator and only allow leaf nodes to be selected.
renderFullLabel only takes care of the UI rendering and won't affect inside data logic. But you could choose info to your needs and use it with controlled mode for advanced usage.
renderFullLabel only takes care of the UI rendering and won't affect inside data logic. But you could choose info to your needs and use it with controlled mode for advanced usage.
The second is for the scenario of "I hope that only leaf nodes can be single-selected, and the parent node only plays a role in grouping".
- You only need to click on the parent node without triggering the selection, click on the leaf node to trigger.
Third is for the scenario when selecting Parent node also highlighting child node.
Advanced FullRender with Draggable
Starting from version 1.27.0, we support the simultaneous use of draggable (
) and advanced customization (renderFullLabel
). Before this version, the simultaneous use of both was not supported.API Reference
Properties | Instructions | Type | Default | Version |
autoExpandParent | Toggle whether to expand parent node automatically | boolean | false | 0.34.0 |
autoExpandWhenDragEnter | Toggle whether allow autoExpand when drag enter node | boolean | true | 1.8.0 |
autoMergeValue | Sets the automerge value. Specifically, when enabled, when a parent node is selected, the value will not include the descendants of the node. (Works if leafOnly is false) | boolean | true | 2.61.0 |
blockNode | Toggle whether to display node as row | boolean | true | - |
checkRelation | In multiple, the relationship between the checked states of the nodes, optional: 'related'、'unRelated' | string | 'related' | 2.5.0 |
className | Class name | string | - | - |
defaultExpandAll | Set whether to expand all nodes during initialization. And if the subsequent data (treeData /treeDataSimpleJson ) changes, this api cannot affect the default expansion of the node. If you need this, you can use expandAll | boolean | false | - |
defaultExpandedKeys | Keys of default expanded nodes. Direct child nodes will be displayed. | string[] | - | - |
defaultValue | Default value | string | number | TreeNodeData | (string | number | TreeNodeData)[] | - | - |
directory | Toggle whether to display tree in directory mode | boolean | false | - |
disableStrictly | When a node is disabled, its status could not be changed by its parent or child nodes | boolean | false | 1.4.0 |
disabled | Toggle whether to disable the entire tree to be unselectable | boolean | false | 0.32.0 |
draggable | Toggle whether allow draggable | boolean | false | 1.8.0 |
emptyContent | Empty content when no data | ReactNode | no result | 0.32.0 |
expandAction | Expand logic, one of false, 'click', 'doubleClick'. Default is set to false, which means item will not be expanded on clicking except on expand icon | boolean | string | false | 0.35.0 |
expandAll | Set whether to expand all nodes by default. If the subsequent data (treeData /treeDataSimpleJson ) changes, the default expansion will also be affected by this api | boolean | false | 1.30.0 |
expandedKeys | (Controlled)Keys of expanded nodes. Direct child nodes will be displayed. | string[] | - | - |
expandIcon | Custom expand icon | ReactNode | (props: expandProps)=>ReactNode | - | 2.75.0 |
keyMaps | Customize the key, label, and value fields in the node | object | - | 2.47.0 |
filterTreeNode | Toggle whether searchable or pass in a function to customize search behavior, data parameter provided since v2.28.0 | boolean | ((inputValue: string, treeNodeString: string, data?: TreeNodeData) => boolean) | false | - |
hideDraggingNode | Toggle whether to hide dragImg of dragging node | boolean | false | 1.8.0 |
icon | Icon | ReactNode |(props: TreeNodeProps) => ReactNode | - | - |
labelEllipsis | Toggle whether to ellipsis label when overflow. Set to false iff there are other requirements | boolean | false|true(virtualized) | 1.8.0 |
leafOnly | Toggle whether to display tags for leaf nodes only and for onChange callback params in multiple mode | boolean | false | 1.18.0 |
loadData | Load data asynchronously and the return value should be a promise | (treeNode?: TreeNodeData) => Promise< void > | - | 1.0.0 |
loadedKeys | (Controlled)Mark node as loaded, working with loadData | string[] | - | 1.0.0 |
motion | Toggle whether to turn on animation | boolean | true | - |
multiple | Toggle whether in multi-choice mode | boolean | false | - |
preventScroll | Indicates whether the browser should scroll the document to display the newly focused element, acting on the focus method inside the component, excluding the component passed in by the user | boolean | ||
renderDraggingNode | Custom render function to render html element of dragImg for dragging node | (nodeInstance: HTMLElement, node: TreeNodeData) => HTMLElement | - | 1.8.0 |
renderFullLabel | Custom option render function | (data: object) => ReactNode | - | 1.7.0 |
renderLabel | Custom label render function. The searchWord parameter is supported since 2.65.0 | (label, data, searchWord) => ReactNode | - | 1.6.0 |
searchClassName | Classname property for search box | string | - | - |
searchPlaceholder | Placeholder for search box | string | - | - |
searchRender | Custom method to render search input; hide search box if set to false(V>=1.0.0) | ((searchRenderProps: object) => ReactNode) | false | - | 0.35.0 |
searchStyle | Style for for search box | CSSProperties | - | - |
showClear | Toggle whether to support clear input box | boolean | true | 0.35.0 |
showFilteredOnly | Toggle whether to displayed filtered result only in search mode | boolean | false | 0.32.0 |
showLine | show line between tree nodes | boolean | false | 2.50.0 |
style | Inline style | CSSProperties | - | - |
treeData | Data for treeNodes | TreeNodeData[] | [] | - |
treeDataSimpleJson | Data for treeNodes in JSON format, return value in JSON format as well | TreeDataSimpleJson | {} | - |
treeNodeFilterProp | Property in a treeNode used to search | string | label | - |
value | Current value, used when tree is a controlled component | string | number | TreeNodeData | (string | number | TreeNodeData)[] | - | - |
virtualize | Efficiently rendering large lists, refer to VirtualizeObj. Motion is disabled when tree is rendered as virtualized list. | VirtualizeObj | - | 0.32.0 |
onChange | Callback function when the tree node is selected, return the value property of data | (string | number | TreeNodeData | (string | number | TreeNodeData)[]) => void | - | - |
onChangeWithObject | Toggle whether to return all properties in an option as a return value. When set to true, return value looks like: { value, label, ...rest }. For controlled mode, you need to pass an object with { value: value } to value correspondingly. DefaultValue similarly. | boolean | false | - |
onDoubleClick | (e: MouseEvent, node: TreeNodeData) => void | - | 0.35.0 | |
onDragEnd | Callback function for onDragEnd | (dragProps: object) => void | - | 1.8.0 |
onDragEnter | Callback function for onDragEnter | (dragEnterProps: object) => void | - | 1.8.0 |
onDragLeave | Callback function for onDragLeave | (dragProps: object) => void | - | 1.8.0 |
onDragOver | Callback function for onDragOver | (dragProps: object) => void | - | 1.8.0 |
onDragStart | Callback function for onDragStart | (dragProps: object) => void | - | 1.8.0 |
onDrop | Callback function for onDrop | (onDragProps: object) => void | - | 1.8.0 |
onExpand | Callback function when expand or collapse a node | (expandedKeys: string[], {expanded: boolean, node: TreeNodeData}) => void | - | - |
onLoad | Callback function when a node is loaded | (loadedKeys: Set< string >, treeNode: TreeNodeData) => void | - | 1.0.0 |
onContextMenu | Callback function when right click on an item | (e: MouseEvent, node: TreeNodeData) => void | - | 0.35.0 |
onSearch | Callback function when search value changes. filteredExpandedKeys represents the key of the node expanded due to search or value/defaultValue, which can be used when expandedKeys is controlledfilteredExpandedKeys is supported in 2.38.0 | function(input: string, filteredExpandedKeys: string[]) | ||
onSelect | Callback function when selected, return the key property of data | (selectedKey:string, selected: bool, selectedNode: TreeNodeData) => void | - | - |
Key forTreeNodeData
is required and must be unique,label
can be duplicated. Before v>=1.7.0 value is also required and must be unique. After v>=1.7.0, value is not required. In this case, the value property inonChange
will point to key property. To ensure everything behave as expected, keep a consistency of whether to have value or not to have value.
Properties | Instructions | Type | Default |
value | Value | string|number | - |
label | Displayed label | string|ReactNode | - |
icon | Icon | ReactNode | - |
disabled | Disabled | boolean | false |
key | Required and must be unique | string | - |
isLeaf | Toggle whether node is leaf node, only takes effect in async load data with loadData v>=1.0.0 | boolean | - |
Virtualize Object
is required to render virtualized tree。
Properties | Instructions | Type | Default |
height | Height. If passed as a string, computed height should not be 0 for render purpose, in other words, parent node should have offsetHeight | number|string | '100%' |
itemSize | Height for each line of treeNode, required | number | - |
width | Width | number|string | '100%' |
Some internal methods provided by Tree can be accessed through ref:
Name | Description | Type | Version |
search | Trigger search manually | (value: string) => void | - |
scrollTo | In a virtualized Tree, make the specified node(Which is an expanded node in the tree) scroll to view | ({key: string; align?: 'center' | 'start' | 'end' | 'smart' | 'auto';}) => void | 2.18.0 |
- Tree supports passing in
to indicate the role of the Tree; - Tree will set
, andaria-level
for each child node to indicate the node status and level; - Tree will set
for corresponding parts.
Content Guidelines
- Try to use phrases, capitalize the first letter
- Keep the same form of terminology between levels, such as all place names or country names