Overview The grid system of layout, we define the external framework of information blocks based on row and column (col) to ensure that each area of the page can be robustly arranged.
Flex layout Our grid system supports the Flex layout, allowing the horizontal alignment of child elements within the parent node - left, center, right, equal width, scattered arrangement. Between child elements and child elements, support top alignment, vertical center alignment, bottom alignment. At the same time, support the use of order
To define the order of the elements.
Demos How to import import { Col, Row } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui';
Basic Usage From stacking to horizontal arrangement.
Using a single set of Row and Col grid components, you can create a basic grid system. All Col must be placed in the Row.
import React from 'react';
import { Col, Row } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui';
() => (
<div className="grid">
<Col span={24}><div className="col-content">col-24</div></Col>
<Col span={12}><div className="col-content">col-12</div></Col>
<Col span={12}><div className="col-content">col-12</div></Col>
<Col span={8}><div className="col-content">col-8</div></Col>
<Col span={8}><div className="col-content">col-8</div></Col>
<Col span={8}><div className="col-content">col-8</div></Col>
<Col span={6}><div className="col-content">col-6</div></Col>
<Col span={6}><div className="col-content">col-6</div></Col>
<Col span={6}><div className="col-content">col-6</div></Col>
<Col span={6}><div className="col-content">col-6</div></Col>
Gutter interval The grid often needs to work with the interval. You can use Row's Gutter
Properties, we recommend using (16 + 8n) px as a grid interval. (n is a natural number)
Vertical gutter can be in the form of an array. The first item of the array is horizontal gutter and the second item is vertical gutter.
If you want to support responsiveness, you can write {xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24, lg: 32}.
Vertical gutter in array form supported from version 1.11.0
Dark for content area, light for spacing
import React from 'react';
import { Col, Row } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui';
() => (
<div className="grid grid-gutter">
<hr />
<Row gutter={16}>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<hr />
<Row gutter={[16, 24]}>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
Offset import React from 'react';
import { Col, Row } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui';
() => (
<div className="grid">
<Col span={8}><div className="col-content">col-8</div></Col>
<Col span={8} offset={8}>
<div className="col-content">col-8</div>
<Col span={6} offset={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={6} offset={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-6</div>
<Col span={12} offset={6}>
<div className="col-content">col-12</div>
Use Flex layout Use row-flex
to define a Flex layout whose child elements are based on different values start
, define their typesetting methods in the parent node respectively.
import React from 'react';
import { Col, Row } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui';
() => (
<div className="grid">
<p>sub-element align left</p>
<Row type="flex" justify="start">
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<p>sub-element align center</p>
<Row type="flex" justify="center">
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<p>sub-element align right</p>
<Row type="flex" justify="end">
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<p>sub-element monospaced arrangement</p>
<Row type="flex" justify="space-between">
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<p>sub-element align full</p>
<Row type="flex" justify="space-around">
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
Flex subelements vertically aligned import React from 'react';
import { Col, Row } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui';
() => (
<div className="grid grid-flex">
<p>Align Top</p>
<Row type="flex" justify="center" align="top">
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={100}>col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={50}>col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={120}>col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={80}>col-4</div></Col>
<p>Align Center</p>
<Row type="flex" justify="space-around" align="middle">
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={100}>col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={50}>col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={120}>col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={80}>col-4</div></Col>
<p>Align Bottom</p>
<Row type="flex" justify="space-between" align="bottom">
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={100}>col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={50}>col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={120}>col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={4}><div className="col-content" value={80}>col-4</div></Col>
Flex element sorting Change the sorting of elements through order
of the Col.
import React from 'react';
import { Col, Row } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui';
() => (
<div className="grid">
<Row type="flex">
<Col span={6} order={4}><div className="col-content">col-4</div></Col>
<Col span={6} order={3}><div className="col-content">col-3</div></Col>
<Col span={6} order={2}><div className="col-content">col-2</div></Col>
<Col span={6} order={1}><div className="col-content">col-1</div></Col>
Responsive Referring to Bootstrap's responsive design, preset six response sizes:xs
, sm
, md
, lg
, Xl
, xxl
import React from 'react';
import { Col, Row } from '@douyinfe/semi-ui';
() => (
<div className="grid">
<Row gutter={{ xs: 16, sm: 16, md: 16, lg: 24, xl: 24, xxl: 24 }}>
<Col xs={2} sm={4} md={6} lg={8} xl={10}><div className="col-content">Col</div></Col>
<Col xs={20} sm={16} md={12} lg={8} xl={4}><div className="col-content">Col</div></Col>
<Col xs={2} sm={4} md={6} lg={8} xl={10}><div className="col-content">Col</div></Col>
<Col xs={{ span: 5, offset: 1 }} lg={{ span: 6, offset: 2 }}><div className="col-content">Col</div></Col>
<Col xs={{ span: 11, offset: 1 }} lg={{ span: 6, offset: 2 }}><div className="col-content">Col</div></Col>
<Col xs={{ span: 5, offset: 1 }} lg={{ span: 6, offset: 2 }}><div className="col-content">Col</div></Col>
API reference Row Properties Instructions type Default align Vertical alignment under flex layout: top
string className Class name string gutter Grid interval, can be written as pixel value or support responsive object writing { xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}
, Vertical gutter support from version 1.11.0 number / object / array justify Horizontal arrangement under flex layout: start
string start
style style CSSProperties type Layout mode, optional flex
, valid under Modern Browser string
Col Properties Instructions type Default lg ≥ 992px
responsive grid, which can be a number of grids or an object containing other propertiesnumber|object - md ≥ 768px
responsive grid, which can be a number of grids or an object containing other propertiesnumber|object - offset The number of interval cells on the left side of a grid. There can be no grid in the interval. number 0 order Grid order, effective in flex
layout mode number 0 pull The grid moves to the left. number 0 push The grid moves to the right. number 0 sm ≥ 576px
responsive grid, which can be a number of grids or an object containing other propertiesnumber|object - span The number of grid spaces is equivalent to display: none
when it is 0 number - xl ≥ 1200px
responsive grid, which can be a number of grids or an object containing other propertiesnumber|object - xs < 576px
responsive grid, which can be a number of grids or an object containing other attributesnumber|object - xxl ≥ 1600px
responsive grid, which can be a number of grids or an object containing other propertiesnumber|object -