Plus · Lottie Animation
Lottie Animation
Display Lottie animation on the web page


The Lottie component can render Lottie animations conveniently and simply, and provides a way to obtain global Lottie and animation instances to meet a wider range of configuration needs.
lottie-web is used internally to render Lottie animations.

Usage scenarios

Compared to using lottie-web directly, use the Semi Lottie component
  • No need to worry about the creation and destruction of animation containers
  • No need to worry about the life cycle of the animation itself
  • Easier to use with React projects


How to import

Lottie component supported from v2.62.0

Basic Usage

When the Lottie animation resource JSON is on CDN
Pass path=your lottie json URL to the params props
When Lottie animation resource JSON needs to be packaged into the website code
Pass animationData=your lottie json object into the params props (the Demo request JSON below is only for demonstration. In actual projects, json should be manually imported instead of obtained through network requests, so that JSON animation resources can be packaged into the website code)

Params Other common parameters

params will be passed to lottie.loadAnimation of lottie-web by the component. Please refer to lottie-web documentation
Common parameters

Get the current animation instance

Use getAnimationInstance to get the animation instance of the currently playing animation. The instance contains many methods for adjusting various parameters of the animation, such as playing and pausing, getting the current frame number, adjusting the playback speed, etc.
For more information about the methods contained in the animation instance, please refer to the lottie-web documentation

Get global Lottie

Use getLottie Props to get global lottie, or use the static method Lottie.getLottie on the Semi Lottie component to get global lottie
For more information about the methods on the global lottie, please refer to the lottie-web documentation


PropertyDescriptionTypeDefault value
classNameClass namestring-
paramsUsed to configure animation related parametersSame as lottie-web lottie.loadAnimation input-
getAnimationInstanceGet the current animation AnimationItem(animation:AnimationItem)=>void-
getLottieGet the global Lottie(lottie: Lottie)=>void-

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