Input · ColorPicker
Quickly and easily select colors, and provide a dropper tool to pick colors


How to import

ColorPicker component supported from v2.64.0

Basic Use

In portal

Normal display

Eyedropper Color Picker

Use eyeDropper={true} to enable the eyedropper function, which supports picking colors from the browser or external software screen.
To enable this function, the current web page must be deployed in a secure context such as HTTPS or localhost domain name, otherwise it will have no effect. The user's browser version must be Chromium > 95

Default Value

When converting between various color representation formats, there are theoretical errors between some formats, so the value returned to you by onChange is an object containing color values ​​in three formats: hsva, hex, and rgba.
The defaultValue (uncontrolled) and value (controlled) you pass in should also be objects containing the same three formats.
We provide a static tool function colorStringToValue on the component class to convert common color strings to this object, supporting direct passing of strings such as rgb(57,197,187) #39c5bb and hsv(176,71,77).


Controlled use by passing in value

Rendering additional elements at the top and bottom

Use topSlot and bottomSlot to render additional elements at the top and bottom

API Table

ParameterDescriptionTypeDefault value
onChangeUser selected color callback(value)=>void-
alphaWhether to enable transparency selectionbooleantrue
bottomSlotBottom rendering additional elementsReactNode-
classNameClass namestring-
defaultFormatDefault format for manual inputrgba hex hsvahex
defaultValueDefault valueObject-
eyeDropperWhether to enable the eyedropper color pickerbooleantrue
topSlotTop rendering additional elementsReactNode-
usePopoverWhether to put in Popover renderingbooleanfalse
popoverPropsWhen placing a Popover, the props passed to the PopoverPopover Props-