Form Usage

Use the Form component with D2C capabilities
This document introduces designers and project managers to use the Form component.
Follow the usage below to make the Form in the design draft capable of D2C.

Using components

  1. Introduce the Semi Variants component library in the current file
  2. Drag the Form component onto the canvas, and select the appropriate variant type
  3. Complete the Form page design draft
The form items in the design draft need to use the Form component in Semi Variants.

Swap input component

  • Method 1: Switch input components through type variants
  • Method 2: Switch input components through swap, note that this method only supports input components in Semi Variants
For example, a RadioGroup could be switched to an InputNumber component in Semi Variants.
  • Start
    • Introduction
    • Quick Start
    • Comparisons
    • Terms
    • FAQ
    • Changelog
  • Design to Code
    • Mark Component Library
    • Mark Icon Library
    • Mark Layer
    • Inspect
    • Transform plugin
    • Questions and Solutions
    • Basic D2C logic
    • Transform settings
  • UI Kit
    • Import UI Kit
    • Create Variants
    • Inspect
    • Best Practice of Design
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