Code Translation

The operation process of converting design draft to code
Whether it is a page or a block, their translation process is the same.

Get component code

In Figma DevMode mode, enable the Semi plug-in, and the corresponding code will be displayed in real time on the right side after the layer is selected. Suitable for quickly viewing components and their corresponding APIs

Get block code

In Figma DevMode mode, enable the Semi plugin to quickly get the HTML structure and style of the component, without implementing layout and style from 0

Get page code

It supports full-page D2C, but in actual development, components usually need to be split, and the greater the amount of generated code, the greater the possibility of manual adjustment.

How to transcode

  1. Open the plugin (the entrance is different depending on the Figma mode you are in)
  2. Select a layer and start transcoding
  3. Preview the result and copy the code
Warm Reminder
Image links are valid for 3 hours due to security reasons. You can customize the image bed upload address in the global settings. There is no such limitation for ByteDance plug-ins.
  • Start
    • Introduction
    • Quick Start
    • Comparisons
    • Terms
    • FAQ
    • Changelog
  • Design to Code
    • Code Translation
    • Mark Component Library
    • Mark Icon Library
    • Mark Layer
    • Inspect
    • Transform plugin
    • Troubleshooting
    • Basic D2C logic
    • Supported Components
    • Global Settings
  • UI Kit
    • Import UI Kit
    • Create Variants
    • Design draft rules
    • Table Usage
    • Form Usage
    • Variant Update Notes
  • About
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    • Road map
    • JSON Schema
    • Known issues